if i never see your face again ...
then i will find you and love you once more
time after time

Friday, February 02, 2007

A Reason For Everything

I've always believed in the saying "there's a reason for everything", and really, I just believe that there is only ONE reason for everything that's happened in our lives: so that we can experience it.

I believe that anything that has ever happened to me, happened for a reason. It happened so that I can learn from it, grow from it, experience from it. It may not always be a good thing. It is sometimes such a horrible, horrible thing that I would wish that it had never happened at all. Sometimes the pain and suffering I go through is so great, that no amount of tears can console me. But at the end, I know that because of what I have experienced, I have become a different person. I am more cautious, considerate, thoughtful and much more because of it.

I believe in being able to experience something, is better than not to experience it at all.

Recently, I've had some experiences that has changed me. Whether for the better or not, I am not quite sure.

One experience I relish, because I've learnt to challenge my limits, and I've learnt to test my determination. And I relish it all the more, because I survived through it all.

Another experience I cringe at the thought of, because I've realised how one simple mistake can ruin everything, how carelessness can bring me to my demise. I am hoping to survive it, but I am still waiting to see its outcome.

It is times like these that I must remind myself: there is a reason for everything. I experience it so I can learn from it. It makes me who I am... present and future.

i know that i have loved you ... at 1:09 AM
fate crumbled all around 0 comments

the.girl ;

    confused about life
    afraid of getting hurt
    let me fly away
    to your heart where i belong

