if i never see your face again ...
then i will find you and love you once more
time after time

Monday, January 08, 2007

Belated First Post of 2007

So.. first post of 2007, eh? It should be about something meaningful, shouldn't it? Like.. new year's resolutions, or new year's eve celebrations, or insights about the past year.

# New Year's resolutions... none.

Well, I'd be lying if I said that. But I don't wanna write down my New Year's resolutions. There is this tendency for someone to remind me what I have and haven't done. Very annoying wan, you know! Plus, it seems so set in stone, that there seems to be no flexibility whatsoever. I like to have full control over my resolutions, thank you very much.

# New Year's Eve celebrations... very eventful.

For those who were there, need I explain? For those who weren't, I think it's better you stay ignorant. ;) It was such an eventful night. It started out boring, then infuriating, then painful, and finally... it ended with love. Because love conquers all, as always!! Haha. But seriously, though, I'm so sorry for making any of you guys worry and sorry for ruining what was supposed to be a great night! But mostly, I'm sorry, sayang, for not understanding you and for pushing you away.

# Insights about the past year... oh, where do I start?!

In the past year, I've grown to understand and love the friends I have now. I've learnt that even if you change, you can still be the same person inside. I got the courage to say the three little words I never thought I could ever say. I found love with the person I never expected to find it with. I've worked harder than the year before, and I can honestly say that it's true. I've accepted the fact that I'm very average in lots of things, but I can and will be extraordinary in my determination.

So, here ends my (belated!) first post of 2007. Happy New Year, everybody! Let's have a good one this year!!

i know that i have loved you ... at 1:08 AM
fate crumbled all around 0 comments

the.girl ;

    confused about life
    afraid of getting hurt
    let me fly away
    to your heart where i belong

